Huge Blueberries Health Benefits in Various Issues

Blueberry is the fruit of the shrub, with flavors that range from mildly sweet to tart and tangy. The fruit rank only second after Strawberry in terms of fruit consumption in USA. It grows in clusters and range in different sizes from that of a small pea to a marble. It secures a special place in the foods of North America, since many of its species are from North America.

Studies found large Blueberry Health Benefits with very exciting and new evidences.  The little powerhouse provides tasty ways of staying healthy because it is nutritional stars bursting with nutrition and flavor while being very low in calories.

Health Benefits of Blueberries: A Handful of Health

New studies implies that, we can freeze blueberries at 0°F or lower for the periods of time between 3-6 months without significantly lowering its antioxidant capacity or anthocyanin concentrations.

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The fruit contains antioxidants in highest capacity among all the fruits, vegetables, spices or seasonings and fully loaded with fiber to keep you fuller for long. Blueberry intake of usually 1-2 cups for the course of 1-3 months, significantly shown the results in improving blood fat balances, reduction in total cholesterol but raising of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Blood Sugar Controller

People diagnosed with a type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome face a special challenge with respect to blood sugar balance. A research found that blueberries have a favorable impact in regulating blood sugars.

Eye Health Benefits

The retina of the eye has a high risk rate for oxidative stress. Foods containing phytonutrient antioxidants are often investigated for their ability to help and protect the retina from oxygen damage. Blueberries are found the best in it, it also protect the retina from sunlight.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Blueberries prevent different types of cancers including breast cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer and cancers of the small intestine. The fruit’s antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals and also blocks the tumor cells linked to the development of cancer.

Fight UTI’s

Blueberries contain substances that inhibit bacteria from binding to bladder tissue and helps ward off Urinary Tract Infections. It is caused by bacteria that take hold and grow inside the urinary tract, causing an infection. Its symptoms can include the strong and persistent urge to urinate, strong-smelling urine, and a kind of pelvic pain in women.

Boost Brain Health

After many years of research on blueberry, there are exciting confirmations that blueberries can improve memory. In a study at the University of Cincinnati researches revealed that, older adults who were given blueberry in form of juice scored higher on memory tests than those receiving a placebo.

Not only these health benefits but blueberries are also good for skin. It is a natural moisturizer and especially beneficial for dry skin. It helps in reducing the aging effects and dark spots.  It contains tons of Vitamin C, which helps collagen formation and also maintains healthy gums as well as a healthy immune system. With all these evidences Blueberries Health Benefits are countless.

Get more update about Blueberry from Food


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