Chicken Pox – Learn to Identify Its Symptoms and Causes

Chicken Pox is a viral illness which is caused by an infection named varicella zoster virus. This disease is characterized by a very itchy red rash that forms blisters and eventually spreads all over the body. Mostly the disease is caused in the children under the age of 15 but adults also can get it.

Chicken Pox Symptoms are initially observed over face, chest and back as it starts from these parts and then get spread all over the body. The disease is highly contagious and the people who haven’t had the disease or nor vaccinated are more prone to cause the disease.

Chicken PoxChicken Pox

Recognize Some Classic Chicken Pox Symptoms

This infection usually lasts for about 5 to 10 days, its initial signs and symptoms are:

• A simple rash on the face, chest and back, which turns into fluid filled blisters and then get converted into scabs
• Fever
• Nausea
• Aching Muscles
• Loss of appetite
• Headache
• Tiredness and feeling of being unwell

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If you or your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, then consult your doctor to start medication.

Although Chicken Pox is considered as a mild disease, still sometimes it causes some serious problems. When adults, babies, teenagers, or pregnant ladies with weak immune system get affected by the disease, then they tend to get sick from it. In such situations antiviral medicines should be given to the patient.

Understand Some General Chicken Pox Causes

Chicken Pox is a contagious infection, you can catch by the infection if you come in contact with an infected person. If once you get infected by the infection, then again it will not affect you.

If you come in contact with a person who has the rash or if you exchanged your cloths with the suspected person then you are more likely to cause this infection.

When this virus containing or infected person coughs or sneezes, then the millions of tiny droplets which come out from the nose or mouth of the person are more dangerous and also contaminate the surface or objects.

Once you come in the contact with this virus, it normally takes around 14 days to show its signs and symptoms. But once you get diagnosed with the disease, start following its treatment procedures.

General Treatment Methods for Chicken Pox

If you think your body is showing Chicken Pox Symptoms then apply Calamine lotions and take oatmeal baths to reduce the itching. Also avoid scratching the rashes (cut your nails), as it may lead to some other type of skin infection.

Consult your doctor and take antiviral medicines to maintain its symptoms. Try to stay at home, resting in a room so that the disease could not affect your other family members.

Once you get recovered from the infection, take an injection of varicella vaccine or herpes zoster vaccine, to avoid causing the disease again. However, once you catch Chicken Pox, you will probably never get infected again, but we all know prevention is always better so take the vaccination.

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