Be Familiar with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating and complex disorder, which causes extreme fatigue that cannot be explained by any certain underlying medical problem. Medications are the only way to control chronic fatigue syndrome but not to cure the problem. It is a disease that creates emotional and physical struggles, and can lead to some kind of disability. To diagnose CFS is fairly difficult as its symptoms often mimic other illnesses and conditions, there is no single test available to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome.

Close monitoring of all your daily activity, sleep levels and physical symptoms could help your doctor to diagnose the CFS. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also known as ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis).

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A Quick look on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

Chronic fatigue syndrome not only affects the patients physically but also emotionally and mentally. It is also noteworthy that the people around fatigue syndrome patients should realize the problem, and understand that the patient is not constantly feeling down or being lazy. It is considered as a serious disease and has severe signs. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people to understand their symptoms, which in turn help the patient to shape their actions in a way to better respond to the symptoms of CFS.

A physical therapist and Graded Exercise Therapy are considered as the best exercises for the affected person. Programs will start with the low levels of exercising and increasing the intensity, as the patient slowly build endurance and strength.

Take a look on the chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, which help you know about the disorder:

  • Tiredness
  • Memory or concentration loss
  • Deep Fatigue long-lasting more than 24 hours after exercise (physical or mental)
  • Improper Sleep
  • New kind of Headache
  • Joint pains without swelling or redness
  • Unbearable muscle pain
  • Throat infection

Severity of Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Mild cases

Definitely, you can care yourself and can perform some domestic tasks but it may often take days off work. In sort to stay in work you are likely to have stopped communal activities and leisure.

Moderate Cases

You have decrease mobility but the level of severity and ability of CFS symptoms often differ from time to time. You may have troubled sleeping patterns and need to sleep in the daylight.

Severe cases

The affected person is likely to have severe difficulties with lots of mental processes like as concentrating or memory loss. The patient unable to tolerate any noise and are usually extremely sensitive.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Causes

CFS’s psychological, biological, infectious and genetic mechanisms have been proposed but the origin of the syndrome is not yet understood and there may be lots of causes such as:

  • Genetic disorders
  • Immune system syndrome
  • Contact with toxins
  • Heredity disorders
  • Stress

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome is extremely difficult and not to be self diagnosed only because there is lots of other lifestyle threatening diseases that unveils identical symptom set as continual exhaustion.

See more details of Chronic fatigue syndrome from Diet and Fitness.


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