Few Easy and Effective Exercises for Back Fat

Butt, stomach and legs are the areas for which most of the people spend a lot of time in gym. It takes a whole lot of efforts to tone and tightening a certain area of body for attaining a perfectly toned body.

One of the toughest areas to target is black! Back fat is the concern of many folks these days. Are you also struggling to deal with your back fat and not able to do so?

If yes then making changes in your diet and exercising can best help you lose your back fat. Here are some Exercises for Back Fat.

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Best and Effective Exercises for Back Fat

Basic Plank Drop                              

Make a plank position, resting your weight on your forearms, with feet 1-2 feet apart. Now put on your forehead, keep your core strong and drop your chest slowly towards the floor. Stay in the same posture for 10 seconds and then pull your chest back up.


Along with being good for toning arms, pushups are also good for back fat. Keep your body in straight line from head to heels and try to go for at least 2 sets of 12 to 10.

Leg and Arm Raises

First lie flat on your stomach afterwards raise your head and one arm from the ground simultaneously lifting the opposite leg. Hold the same pose for 5-10 seconds and try repeating the exercise for at least 10-15 times.

The Bridge

Lie down on your back bending your knees at a 90 degree angle with feet flat on the floor. Afterward lift your buttocks making a straight line and hold on for 10-15 seconds, and then lower your body back. Try to repeat the posture for 10-20 times for effective results on your back.

Leg Extensions

Assume a position on all fours, meaning placing both hands on the ground and both knees. Lift your one lag and straighten behind your body. Hold the posture for 15 seconds and repeat with the other leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times with each leg.


Stand with your torso tipped straight at about a 45 degree angle, holding the dumbbells down. now bring your arms up, making your elbows parallel with your back and forearm.


Swimming is considered as a full body cardio exercise and effectually burns, fat from all parts of body.   Backstrokes and breaststrokes both can tone your back muscles.

Perform these Exercises for Back Fat to acquiring perfectly defined back and enjoy wearing all your strapless dresses.


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