Reveal All the Estrogen Side Effects in Women

Mainly six types of Estrogen are present in the body but naturally only three types occur in abundance amount in women’s body “Estradiol”, “Estrone” and “Estriol”. Roll of these three is distinct for distinct phases of life. During the reproductive years of women Estradiol estrogen is predominant, during menopause; Estrone estrogen is predominant and during pregnancy; Estriol estrogen is predominant in terms of serum levels.

Estrogens are very important hormone in women for sexual or reproductive development; therefore they are also known as female sex hormones. For non pregnant females, Estradiol hormone plays a very important role because it regulates menstrual cycle.

Estrogen Side Effects in WomenEstrogen Side Effects in Women

Other Estrogen Side Effects on Health

Estrogen Side Effects occur with various forms but common effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Weight Gain
  • Skin Darkening
  • Nausea
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Irritation
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Pain Full Menstruation
  • Mild Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

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Many more but rare side effects are also there, which affects normal life style of a woman.

Other Effects of Estrogen include:

High Estrogen Symptoms

It is also known as estrogen dominance, for a premenopausal woman this condition causes too much fat around the hips and other such areas where fat loss is very difficult. Other symptoms could be classified as:

  • Menstrual Irregularity
  • Acne
  • Excessive Hair Fall
  • Obesity
  • Apple Shaped Body
  • Low Levels of HDL
  • High Blood Pressure

If you think you are captured with High Estrogen Hormone, then consult your Doctor immediately and follow his advice completely. You might be required to undergo several laboratory tests to check the hormone levels. If the reports indicate any problem then follow the prescribed medical treatment given by your Doctor.

Low Estrogen Symptoms

Normally this condition occur in those women who are experiencing or are moving towards menopause, but still young women can also experience this problem; however their causes may differ. Its main symptoms include:

  • Lack or delayed menstruation development
  • Early menopause with night sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Forgetfulness
  • Mood changes
  • Bladder infection
  • Headaches
  • Depression with Crying
  • Bone loss (Osteoporosis)
  • Problem in Conceiving

Several causes conclude for low estrogen problem like, excessive exercising, eating disorders, delaying in normal female development, too little body fat, etc. Although, various treatments or therapies are there by which it is possible to overcome or recover the trouble.

Consult to a good health care adviser and explain all of your problems clearly, so that the treatment could get start in a right direction. Mainly Estrogen Therapy is done to increase the estrogen level.

It is always very essential to take a very good care of yourself, it is very important to eat healthy or nutrient rich food to prohibit the cause of any kind of disease. Avoid doing anything excessively, because it always brings trouble. Follow certain guidelines, this will help you to stay fit and fine always. And don’t afraid when you see Low or High Estrogen Symptoms.
