Understand the Basics for Good Carbs VS Bad Carbs

Carbohydrates are very important part of our daily diet, because they act as main fuel (energy) source for our body. But wait a minute, it does not mean that now we are free to load our body with lots of high carbs food.

Carbohydrates are classified into two categories as Good Carbs and Bad Carbs. As the name indicating one is good for your health and another is bad for our health. Here we will explore the basics of Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs to understand their basic difference, so that we would be able to differentiate healthy or unhealthy food clearly.


Differentiation of Carbohydrates as Good Carbs and Bad Carbs

Good Carbs

Good carbs are also known as complex carbs, because they are made with long series of sugar molecules. Due to their complex structure our body requires to work harder to digest the food and thus the energy releases after a long time.

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Actually good carbohydrates are most close to their natural form and thus their chemical structure is complex. Such foods naturally stimulate your metabolism and help you to feel full of calories while you consumed fewer calories.

Such foods are rich in fibers and nutrients thus make you to stay fit and fine. These foods also support for weight loss for example many dieticians suggest to consume brown bread or brown rice instead of white bread or white rice. Actually these brown foods are made with whole grains and are complex carbs.

Bad Carbs

Bad carbs are also known as simple carbs, because they are made with several single or small sugar molecules which are separate from each other. Due to their simple structure our body does not require to work hard to digest the food, it gets easily digested and releases energy at the same time. This energy gets stored as glycogen in our body cells and if not used immediately then gets converted into fats.

Actually such foods are low in fiber and nutrients but are more consumers friendly therefore people love to eat such foods. It increases a blood glucose level which makes you feel tired. The calories burns quickly and gets converted into fats which make you feel hungry.

Such foods are not good for your health and are the main reason for causing obesity. Several fruits are also considered as simple carbohydrates but their high nutrients and fiber makes them different. The way our body processes such fruits is different from other simple carb foods, which makes them more like complex carbs. Examples of simple carbohydrate food include: Sugar, Artificial Syrups, Soda, Candy, White Rice, White Bread, White Pasta, Desserts, etc.

To minimize the risk of causing chronic disease, adults are needed to get 45 to 65 percent of their calories from Carbohydrates. So it is better to consume bad carbohydrate food to stay healthy.

If you are looking to lose your weight, then first you need to eliminate all the simple carbohydrate food from your daily diet. This will automatically reduce your fats and will make you look slimmer.

See more details of Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs from Diet and Fitness.


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