Why Green Vegetables are Important Part Of Our Life?

Green colour plays important role in our day to day life. Whether it may be green plants seen around or green vegetables in your kitchen or grocery store nearby. Earlier when early mans were there, they use to stay in jungle and green leafy vegetable and plants were a part of their diet.

But in today’s modern diet chart, green vegetable is not given as much as importance as earlier it was considered too. This is because the new generation doesn’t know its importance. They prefer fast food which tastes them yummier and looks like healthier to them. But the fact is something different.

Colour green in vegetables is due to they contain chemical name Chlorophyll. In fact ‘Chloro’ means ‘green’ and ‘Phyll’ means ‘leaf’. This is how the word was originated. When the sun rays falls on green leaves, the chlorophyll converts it into ‘carbon dioxide’ which is important for plants growth. In this process oxygen is also produced. Oxygen is very important for survival of animals and human beings. Hence for our survival too, green plants are very important. When we eat green leaves and vegetables, we also get some amount of carbon dioxide.

How green vegetables are beneficial?

Green vegetablesGreen vegetables

According to the survey done, it is shown that, Green vegetables contain all those nutrition which are very important to keep oneself healthy but the intake one takes daily is very less. The amount can be increased by adding more green vegetables in salad, lunch or dinner. The more you consume green leafy vegetables, the less is risk of getting ill and suffering from diseases like cancer, heart attack, diabetes.

They also help to make bone strong as it also contains calcium, makes you look young with its anti-aging qualities. It also boosts up immune system. Helps in clear digestion and constipation.

Having vegetable soup increases eye vision capacity. You can also get rid away from your spectaculars or lenses, by adding and increasing green diet. You will also find nutrition like fiber, folic acid and potassium in green leafy vegetables. It also helps in proper blood circulation.

You might be busy in your day to day life, it may be difficult for you to visit nearby grocery shop and hence clean and prepare the vegetable. Try to take out little time for your health and stay healthy life ahead.
