Excellent Home Remedies for Kidney Stones Treatment

The role of kidneys in our body is to purify the blood, within every 30 minutes whole body blood travels to kidneys to get purified. How it would be if the kidneys will not function properly? We can’t even think of that, it will be panic.

Basically kidney stone is a type of kidney infection in which small crystals get formed inside the kidney and they join other small crystals to form stone. However Home Remedies for Kidney Stones could be followed to solve the problem.

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Natural and Side Effects Free Home Remedies for Kidney Stones  

Actually Kidney stones are nothing but are solid masses of mineral salt which remains as a waste product after purification, normally urine dissolves these minerals itself to throw them out. But dehydration doesn’t allow these slats to get dissolved and thus stone formation takes place.

Here we are discussing few natural ways to treat kidney stones without taking medications.


As we clearly know dehydration is the main cause of kidney stones, so drinking plenty of water could help you to remove the crystals easily. Water intake will make your kidney stones to pass eventually through urination. This is the best and easy to do home remedy.


Take a cup of water and boil 2 figs for two minutes, now wait for the water to get cool. Drink it daily in early morning with empty stomach, so that the water get absorbed by the kidney.

Lemon and Olive Oil

This remedy is being used traditionally to clear the stones. Actually the citric acid present in the lemon help to break down the crystals and prevents further growth. For this remedy:

  • Take 4 tbs of lemon juice
  • Mix lemon juice with equal amount of olive oil
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Repeat this for 3 times a day, up to 3 days or stop once your stone get cleared


It is another great way to treat kidney stones naturally. The Potassium present in watermelon helps to regulate and maintain the acid level in urine. This way it helps to flush out the stones out from kidneys.


Both the seeds and juice of pomegranate is beneficial to treat kidney stones. Try to eat one whole pomegranate each day or drink one glass of fresh juice. This remedy helps to dissolve the stones and allows them to get pass through urine.


Drinking a glass full of tomato juice with a pinch of salt and pepper each morning helps to dissolve the stones easily and relieves you from the pain.


Exercising each day for 30 minutes help your bones to release excess calcium. You can start doing any kind of physical activity regularly to promote your kidneys health as well as your overall health.

Be Attentive

It is found that about half of the patients again come down with a kidney stone. So if you had it earlier be attentive and try to prevent it to cause again. Normally it repeats after 7 years.

These Home Remedies for Kidney Stones are based on Ayurveda so if your problem persists, take a proper medical prescription to alleviate the trouble.

Get more details about Kidney Stones from Home Remedies.


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