Home Remedies for Toothache- Healthy Teeth Strong Gums

For so many individuals toothache has become a part time career. There is nothing painful like a toothache in the world. They may be small in size but can surely cause great amount of pain. Some minor pains and toothaches can easily be cured by using home remedies for toothache.

You are not required to go anywhere for treating your pain your kitchen cabinet is the answer to all your not-so -easy handling pain. It takes a lot to bear a pain, so why to bear it. Just go through the below remedies and say goodbye to toothache. Here are some of the most amazing things you can use to get rid of your tooth pain.

Here are some home remedies for toothache


Yes you read it right! Alcohol is one of the most effective home remedies for toothache, as it has a numbing property. You just have to soak cotton ball into brandy and apply it on affected tooth. It will do miracles in treating your pain. So now it would not only be helpful in having fun but will also reduce your tooth pain so that you can have more fun.


This is another interesting thing in this series of home remedies for toothache. The tannic acid found in tea is an excellent stuff which helps in reducing the swelling to a very great extent and thus helps you in getting relief from pain. What more you can expect, that you just have to drink tea and by doing that you are reducing you pain. Peppermint tea is also very helpful in getting relief from pain.

Clove oil

Since time immortal people are relying upon this remedy to get rid of tooth pain. Though there are many home remedies for toothache but the most effective remedy is this. The chemical eugenic which is found in this oil has antibacterial and anaesthetic properties. A cotton ball is to be soaked in oil and put that ball in mouth near the affected tooth. Not just the clove oil but one can also put some whole cloves until they soften.

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A cucumber slice gives the feeling of coolness when you apply it to your affected tooth area. It is an easier way to get rid of pain by making use of home remedies for toothache .Other substances such as salt water rinse, onions, garlic; spinach also helps in relieving pain.

Acupressure technique

You can also rely on acupressure to get a fast rid from your pain. There are several acupressure techniques which work as great home remedies for toothache.

You should not expect immediate relief as these things take some time to work.   But it should be noticed that if the pain still persist even after using these remedies then one should take an appointment with a dentist and visit him as soon as possible. The above mentioned home remedies for toothache are some of the best pick to suit you.. After a limit when the pain is unbearable only a dentist can help you.


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