Surprising Makeup Tips and Tricks – That Nobody Told you About

Every girl wants to look perfect, thus she applies makeup to appear beautiful and be a center of attraction amid her friends or relatives. Applying makeup in a perfect manner to get a professional look is not that easy task, many people either fail to get a perfect finish or they spend too much time to do makeup.

But you don’t worry, here in this article we are discussing few easy Makeup Tips and Tricks which will completely change your way of applying makeup. These tricks will help you to cut short some silly mistakes, which you normally be making, during your makeup.

Find Some Useful/Short Makeup Tips and Tricks

Makeup Tips and TricksMakeup Tips and Tricks
With these Makeup Tips and Tricks, you do not have to be a professional or spend hours to get a fabulous look. Just follow these simple tips:

Before starting with your makeup, clean your face and then rub a piece of ice over your face. This will make your skin look stiff and enable you to apply the makeup correctly.

Applying blusher not only adds some color but it also help in defining your cheek bones. Therefore apply blusher as per your face shape. For example if your face is square, then apply blush in front portion of your cheeks or if your face is oval, then apply blush over the sides of your cheekbones.

Eye Pencil
While using eye pencil, use a normal tape to achieve an even and balanced look for both the eyes.

Eye Liner
Many of the girls think applying eye liner is one of the toughest jobs, so use a plastic spoon to apply the liner evenly. You can also use the bottom of the spoon to mark the boundaries of your liner.

The same trick as described in the eyeliner works good here as well. When you apply mascara, use the same spoon to protect your upper eye lid. The spoon will help you to cover the upper as well as bottom of your lashes.
During mascara application do not make straight strokes, despite make zig zag strokes. This will make your lashes look long and thick.

Before applying lipstick, exfoliate your lips using toothbrush. Rub your toothbrush gently over your lips to remove any dead skin.
Now apply your lipstick properly over your lips, and then use a tissue paper to smudge out the extra lipstick. Now sprinkle some powder over your lips, blend it properly and again apply the same lipstick. This process will maintain shape of your lips properly.

Lip Balm
If you want to make your own favorite colored lip balm at home then follow these steps:
1. Take a spoon full of white petroleum jelly
2. Mix a spoon full of honey to it
3. Now add a chunk of your favorite colored lipstick
4. Melt all the three ingredients, mix well and store in a box
This lip balm will give your favorite color to your lips and the honey will nourish your lips.

Smoky Eye
Today smoky eyes are in latest trend, if you also want to make your eyes look smoky then follow these steps:
1. Make a hash tag on the upper corner of your eye
2. Use your finger tip to blend the color evenly

So from today follow our simple Makeup Tips and Tricks to get a glamorous look without spending too much time and reach all the parties on time.
