Home Remedies for Pimples(Acne): Natural Treatment for Face

It is very embarrassing to see a mark or a Pimple (Acne) on one’s face and when you are well dressed and have to leave for party. It really becomes horrible when you try to pluck it off and it becomes more reddish and grows bigger. In fact it generates a new pimple too. Simple Home Remedies for Pimples can make your skin look more attractive and glowing.

Pimples in large number may lead to acne. Some of you might face them up on your face and some on your back. As said, Prevention is better than cure. Pimple should be medicated as early as it can to cause further skin issue.

Easy and Simple Home Remedies for Pimples

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Before applying and taking any medication from doctor or pharmacy, just check your diet plan. Are you drinking sufficient water as that much your body requires. Do you take nutritional food or prefer fast food? Does your diet contain at least one green vegetable a day? The answer may be No. Hence first make sure that you have proper diet chart plans.

Secondly check that your skin is not allergic. Pimples can be caused either due to allergy from dust or by reaction of any cosmetics too. Do apply cream and lotions according to your skin types and weather outside. There are different types of lotions available for different seasons.

Thirdly, make daily exercise work out in your plan. Getting up and a walk in fresh air at early morning, not only keeps you freshen up whole day but also help to keep your skin clear and beautiful.

Some other Home Remedies for Pimples are as follows:-

  1. Drink lot of water.
  2. Wash your face with chilled cold water at least 4-5 times a day.
  3. Various different face mask can be applied like honey mask, orange mask etc according to your skin type.
  4. Try to cut back excessive sugar intake in your diet.
  5. Potatoes, turmeric, garlic, lime, vinegar and tooth paste can also be applied.
  6. Aloe-Vera gels and mask can also be applied to get rid of pimple.

Do not try to use such remedies, which say that pimple can be cleared away in one night. Certain high dosage medicines can help you out, but try not to prefer them. Before using any home based remedies, do consult with adults at your place or dermatologist.

Say goodbye to your marks by effective Home Remedies for Pimples.

Get more about Pimples from Home Remedies.


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