Protect Your Skin with Sunburn Remedies

The most common problem with every one or another is the sunburn tanned skin. Everybody wants to look beautiful, fair and get rid of the tanning caused due to sun burn. Sunburn sometimes also causes dryness to skin, the pain, itching and much more.

You might be finding ways for sunburn remedies.  There are many cosmetics and medical recommendations available in the market, but nothing can give you much relief than home made sunburn remedies. These can be easily applied and taken care of to get rid of tanning and problem caused by sunburn.

Home made Sunburn Remedies

The home made sunburn remedies, has been given preference these days as it has seemed to be easy to use, no side effects, no chemicals and is cheap and easily available at home.

Certain simple methods which can remove sunburn are as follows:-

  1. Bath with cool water or prefer warm water. It will help to keep the skin moist and soft. Also use, clean and soft towel after bath. Do rub clearly and properly.
  2. Whenever you plan to go out, in day time. Try to apply before and after sunscreen lotion to avoid any further tanning. Also, you can wear full sleeves clothes as a preventive measure. Sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer, so should be avoided at times.
    sunburn remediessunburn remedies
  3. There are certain ingredients which you can easily find in your kitchen or nearby grocery store and can be applied to the burnt areas. Like apply peels of potatoes which act as oxy bleach, apply orange peels or you may rub tomato peels too.
  4. Also, apply white vinegar with the cotton or soft cloth. It prevents the further tanning and minimizes peeling and helps to clear appearance.
  5. Similarly, cool black tea or herbal tea can be applied on the sunburn.
  6. Aloe-Vera can also be applied on the same.

The sunburn is not only caused when the sun is at its highest peak, but also at times when you are at beach, picnic, or enjoying summer. These remedies when applied will not give instant relief but will take time to, maybe months. But should be applied quickly on time and on regularly basis.
