Urinary Tract Infection: Diagnosis and Methods of Preventions

A human being’s urinary tract consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Urinary Tract Infection are very common and could occur in any part of the urinary track. Fungi, viruses and bacteria are the main causes of a UTI infection.

Being the body’s drainage system, Urinary system is responsible for removing waste water from the body and thus it marks one of the most common types of infection in human beings.

General Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

• Tiredness and shakiness along with fever
• Pain and burning sensation during urination
• Often urination urge
• Pain below the ribs or in back
• Pressure in lower belly (abdomen)
• Reddish or smelly urine
• Cloudy, bloody or dark urine

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People of all ages and genders be ill with Urinary Tract Infection, thought it has nothing to do with the age factor however UTIs in adults is a much common incidence. It has been found that diabetes patients usually have a high risk of developing a UTI.

High risking Causes and Factors that contributes to UTIs

Urinary tract infection occurs when urinary tract of a person gets infected, usually bacteria are considered as the most common cause of UTI. Bacteria could enter urinary track through bloodstream or more often through the urethra.

In 90% of the cases, Escherichia Coli generally known by the name E. Coli gets detected as the cause of a infection in urinary tract. E. Coli bacteria are found in colon and can move in the region of the anus and urethra’s opening.

Here are some of the most general causes of Urinary Tract Infection and tips to diminish the odds:

Hygiene: As we aforementioned, UTI is most often caused due to E. coli, which can move around the areas of urethra thus bathroom hygiene is most imperative to make sure the bacteria doesn’t ender the urethra. Avoid wiping the area from back to front in order to avoid spreading the bacteria and sequentially the infection.

Sex: Infection in the urinary tract after intercourse is commonly seen in women. Mainly pressure on the urinary tract moves the bacteria from colon to the bladder, at the time of sexually intercourse. Condoms could also sometimes cause infection during intercourse by irritating the skin.

Diabetes: Generally, diabetic patients are more prone to have a UTI.

Spermicides: Spermicides raises the risk of inflowing of the bacteria into bladder and could even lead to irritation in some women.

Preventions for commonly caused urinary tract infections

• Drinking high amount of water no less than six to eight, a day
• Maintaining proper hygiene of vaginal and rectal areas
• Drinking water after intercourse
• Preferring showers overs baths
• Avoid holding urine for long time
• Wiping off from front to back after urination
• Increasing the amount of fiber intake
• Drinking Cranberry juice

Keeping this simply and easy to steps in mind you could easily overcome the risk of developing Urinary Tract Infections.

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