Understand the Related Breast Pain Causes in Women

Breast Pain is experienced in almost 70 percent of the women at some point in their life, therefore it is the most common breast related complaint among the women. The pain may occur in one or both the breasts or near the underarm region and if the pain is consistent, it should be consulted with the doctor.

The severity of pain varies from women to women and in about 15 percent of cases a treatment is required. Many women consider that Breast Pain is a symptom of breast cancer, but actually it may not, contrarily it may occur due to hormonal imbalance. (Generally, when the cancerous cell starts developing, it does not cause any pain in the breast)

Count the Number of Harmless Breast Pain Causes

In Breast Pain, women experience heaviness, tenderness, tightness and a burning sensation in the breast tissues. The pain couldbe due to several reasons and it is not possible to determine the cause of pain for every case, but some common Breast Pain Causes are discussed below:

• Acid reflux
• Stress and depression
• Excessive intake of caffeine
• Shoulder pain
• Shingles
• Rib fracture
• Psychological
• Chest wall pain
• Trauma to the chest wall
• Puberty
• Menstruation or pre menstrual syndrome
• Pregnancy
• Improper draining of milk duct during breast feeding
• Menopause
• Certain medications

You may also like:-Main Causes of Breast Cancer Development in Women

Differentiate the Types of Breast Pain

The pain is mainly divided in two categories because the pain may occur in a proper pattern or may not follow any pattern. So by analyzing the occurrence of pain in you, you can easily distinguish the type of your breast pain.

Cyclic Pain

This type is very common in women, it causes due to normal monthly changes in hormones. The pain is usually severe before starting the menstrual periods and relives as the period ends. Most of the cyclic pain goes away or disappears at menopause.

Non Cyclic Pain

This type of pain is common in the women of the age 30 to 50 and it may occur only in one breast. Women who experience some injury to the breast may experience this type of pain. Usually the pain gets subsided within one or two years.

Some General Reasons for Breat Pain Include

• Weight gain
• Hormonal replacement therapy
• Uncomfortable fitting of bra

Some DIY Help Tips to Reduce Breast Pain

• Daily wear a well fitting bra during day time
• Wash your bra daily to keep it infection free
• During sleep, wear a soft and supportive bra
• During exercising, wear a sports bra
• Limit sodium intake
• Maintain a healthy diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables

As the general Breast Pain Causes are harmless therefore the pain is also harmless until and unless it comes with certain other breast infections.

If you experience the pain with certain other issues like bloody discharge from nipple, formation of a lump, continuous fever, then you need to consult your doctor immediately.

Get more updates about Breast Pain from Diet And Fitness.


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