Home Remedies for Constipation- Relieve Churning Stomach

Constipation is problem which can grab any individual in its roots. This problem is generally caused due to the gastrointestinal malfunction in the body. Be it an adult or a child anybody can get affected of it. The most common reason of constipation is nothing but an unhealthy lifestyle and dietary issues. But taking Laxatives is not a solution to it as an individual will become dependent on such substances. Thus, the only best way to get rid of constipation problems is to use natural substances and Home Remedy for constipation which are very easily available.

Irregular bowel movements, dry stool or passing hard stool are something which an individual faces at the time of constipation. The reason behind this is taking a low fiber diet or the most common cause dehydration. Not only children and adults are suffering from this problem but a large number of pregnant women are also getting affected. Moderate and mild constipation can easily be rectified and treated through Home Remedies for Constipation.

Home remedies for constipation – Stay Comfortable

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Some of the easiest home remedies for constipation are as below:

1) An individual should take high fiber food such as apricots and whole grains, pears, sweet potatoes, prunes, beans, plums, peas, spinach or broccoli. As these foods stuff help in passage of stool easily. But one should avoid taking applesauce and carrot.

2) The inner part of lemon seed is considered to be very effective by elder people. The outer coat of lemon seed should be removed and then you will get a softer part which is to be taken with water just as we take tablets with water. This is very easy and among effective home remedies for constipation to treat the problem.

3) Fruit juices are very helpful in getting rid of constipation. Juices such as apple, pear or prune soften up the stool. One should notice that prune juice is not to be given to an infant as it may cause irritation. Prune juice is very helpful for adults.


4) More than anything else one should rely upon water. Adequate amount of fluid is vital to resolve constipation. So it is must to be hydrated adequately by taking right amount of fluids. So drinking water is the one of the best home remedies for constipation.

5) Flax seeds are a miracle for an adult to treat constipation. One should mix thus in breakfast cereal and take it every morning.

6) Vitamin C also helps in getting rid of constipation. For this one should regularly take an orange as they are rich in fiber as well as vitamin C. This is one of the home remedies for constipation which works indeed.

7) Ayurveda experts are always advocating that taking trifala churna which contains and is a mixture of gooseberry and vibhitaki is very effective. The churna is to be taken with honey once or twice a day and is among the best home remedies for constipation.

8) Drinking cabbage juice or spinach juice will also prove to be very fruitful as they help in softening the stool and you will find a relief from constipation by using this.

Thus there are a number of ways of treating constipation with home remedies for constipation. The only thing is to be patient and rely on the working of remedies.
