DIY – Tips to Make Your Own Natural Face Masks at Home

Natural Face Masks provide the best ways to improve your skin’s health, these masks are made with completely natural ingredients to offer a complete and deep skin care. These homemade masks moisturize your skin and leaves feel softer and shinier. These masks come with a number of skin benefits and we will cover all of them one by one.

In this article we are discussing some Natural Face Masks for various types of skin problems, we hope you will like them and will try them to solve your skin related problems naturally.

Homemade Natural Face Mask for Acne

Natural Face MasksNatural Face Masks

Acne is the most common skin problem that almost everyone has. A single acne or its spot could diminish your beauty completely, therefore it’s even considered as the most irritating skin problem.

Our Natural Face Mask for Acne will help you to reduce acne or pimples just within few uses, so read about these packs and start using:

Yogurt and Honey

• Take 1 tsp of plain yogurt in a bowl
• Add 1 tsp of natural honey to it
• Mix these together thoroughly
• Now apply this mixture using cotton pad by scooping it up
• Apply a thin layer of it all over your face and let it dry
• Now again apply another layer in the same direction
• Continue adding new layer till the mask gets thick
• Now sit for 15 minutes and wash it off gently in circular motion
• It will remove all the impurities from your skin and will make your skin acne free

Garlic and Aloe Vera

• Take 2 to 3 cloves of garlic and extract its juice
• Add 1 tsp of aloe vera juice to it
• Mix them together to make a fine paste
• Use cotton pad to apply it over your spots
• Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it well using lukewarm water
• Repeat this mask whenever you like

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Homemade Natural Face Mask for Oily Skin

Oily skin has the problem that it looks shinier on its “T”. Excess of oil over face attracts more dust particles and blocks the pores, thus the skin looks dull and dark toned.

Our Natural Face Mask for Oily Skin helps to swipe out the excess oil from face making your skin flauless:

Strawberry, Lemon and Clay

• Take 8 strawberries and make its fine paste
• Add 1 tsp of clay to it
• Now add some drops of water to make a smooth paste which is easy to apply over the skin
• Apply this paste neatly by preventing eye are all over your face and neck
• Now leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it well using clean water
• Apply this mask once or twice a week as you require

Beetroot, Pepper Mint Essential Oil and Green Clay

• Extract 1 ½ tsp of beet-root juice
• Add 1 tsp of green clay to it
• Now add some drops of peppermint essential oil to make a fine paste
• Clean your face and allow it to pat dry
• Now apply the paste neatly all over your face and neck
• Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water
• Apply this face mask once a week

Homemade Natural Face Mask for Wrinkles

Generally wrinkles arise over face at some point of age, wrinkles mostly irritates the women with dry skin. But todays unhealthy eating habits, air pollution are inviting wrinkles to come earlier on any skin type. Ugly wrinkles completely diminish the beauty and makes women look older.

Our Natural Face Mask for Wrinkles provides a better natural way to fight against wrinkles and clear the lines of aging significantly. So read about these packs and start using them:

Apple, Honey and Milk Powder

• Take an apple and boil it in water
• Now take it out of water and let it get cool
• Remove its seeds and mash the apple completely
• Add 1 tsp of milk powder to it
• Add 1 tsp of honey to it and make an even paste
• Apply this paste all over your face and neck
• Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse using cold water
• Apply this pack daily, as the vitamins of apple will nourish your skin from deep and will make your face wrinkle free

Egg White and Wheat Flour

• Take an egg in a bowl and remove its yellow part from it
• Now add 2 tsp of wheat flour to the white part of the egg
• Mix ingredients together and make a fine paste
• Now using a soft brush or cotton bob apply it over your face
• Wait for 30 minutes, then rinse it gently using lukewarm water
• Apply this pack once a week to see the effective results
• The egg is the best skin tightener and also makes the skin look shinier all time

Natural Face Masks offer a healthy way to fight against various skin problems. As they are chemical free and nourishes the skin from its root, therefore they are side effects free. So always prefer to apply any natural remedy to solve your skin problems.

Try any of the above mentioned face masks as per your problem and see the beautiful change in your skin. All these masks help to achieve a rejuvenating glow without spending too much. So try these packs first before going for any spa or beauty parlor treatment.

Get more details about Natural Face Masks from Beauty.
